November 16, 2022
The fact that PLTCOL RYAN MANONGDO, as a true upperclassman, wants us, his underclassmen and women, to study and be equipped with experience-based and crucial knowledge, makes me really value every session with him. We had the last of what was intended to be nine (9) nights of seminars with him on the wet evening of November 16, 2022.
He sees us as an investment because he wants each and every one of us to be prepared for the real McCoy and the day when we leave the school for our own deployments and postings. Since he believes that his teaching methods would be assessed based on how well we perform once we graduate from the academy, he honestly invests the time and effort necessary to teach us.
He frequently discusses leadership, and to make his point, he utilized the story of the "Dancing Guy." He showed a video of a man dancing in public by himself for a little while before another man joined him. After that, additional people joined them, and until the entire audience joined in. The video that was shown to us suggested that a leader must have the bravery to stand out and seem foolish, but the most crucial criterion is that he must be easy to follow. The first follower then showed up, and he is significant because he shows everyone else how to follow properly. The first follower helped the oddball become a leader at that point. The second follower, which demonstrates that the first was successful, is the crucial event.
They eventually increased to three because news is based on crowds, which consist of three or more people. A movement must be in the open for outsiders to see more than simply the leader. It is crucial for everyone to pay attention to the follower since followers copy their leaders rather than the leader. The remainder of the population prefers to blend in because behaving otherwise will eventually result in mockery because they are gaining momentum and more people are joining them as a result.
The moral of the story, in my opinion, is that leaders need to be strong and confident, and they need to be able to perform their obligations even when they are working alone. A leader must provide a good example for those who follow him. Additionally, as our lecturer counselled us and as shown in the movie, we should not act as leaders who whine about the resources that have been made available to us; rather, we should use them efficiently and intelligently to assure future progress.