November 7, 2022
I was motivated by the message that PBGEN HARRIS FAMA gave during the Monday flag-raising ceremony because of my desire to work in public safety. He underlined the value of contemporary technology. It refers to all forms of transactions relating to commercial activities including both organizations and individuals that are based upon the processing and transmission of digitized data, including text sound and visual images. Moreover, its value in the nation and how it influences a person's everyday activities.
Additionally, criminals had seized the chance during the outbreak. The ITMS has given our need for technological advancement a high priority. The acronym S.M.A.R.T., which stands for secured, mobile, artificial intelligence-driven, real-time technological policing, was also something I learned.
According to PBGEN HARRIS FAMA, with quicker business and communication procedures, police personnel on the ground will be more productive and their ground work will considerably decrease. The technology that was only previously seen in Hollywood blockbusters is now available to every police unit on the ground, allowing for quicker response times and providing them with real-time intelligence to avert tragic mishaps on the battlefield.
Cadets may readily communicate with the tactical officers now by utilizing the VIBER application. I've discovered that it's important to use contemporary technologies responsibly. The SAPADAPPA MANAGEMENT TOOL, with the acronyms SA for situation analysis (what is happening?), PA for problem analysis (why is the problem there?), DA for decision analysis (what needs to be done?), and PPA for potential problem and solutions analysis (what needs to be prevented?).
It was the tool he shared as his favourite at the end of his speech. I will continue to keep track of these details since they will be important when we encounter the outside world's actual adversaries. Through public safety technology, law enforcement and safety institutions provide more data – accurately and transparently – as a fundamental step in creating true community policing that brings officers, citizens, and decision-makers together.