December 13-14, 2022
The National Intelligence Coordinating Agency (NICA) is the primary intelligence gathering and analysis arm of the Government of the Philippines in charge of carrying out overt, covert, and clandestine intelligence activities. The NICA cooperates with friendly countries and government agencies in and out of the country by posting agents as liaison officers. During these 2 days seminar NICA shares to us on how to know the enemy especially the Communist Party of the Philippines.
We all know that insurgency is the long-term problem of the country that we public safety officers has long been worrying about. An insurgency is a violent, armed rebellion against authority waged by small, lightly armed bands who practice guerrilla warfare from primarily rural base areas. The key descriptive feature of insurgency is its asymmetric nature: small irregular forces face a large, well- equipped, regular military force state adversary. Due to this asymmetry, insurgents avoid large-scale direct battles, opting instead to blend in with the civilian population (mainly in the countryside) where they gradually expand territorial control and military forces.
Insurgency frequently hinges on control of and collaboration with local populations. An insurgency can be fought via counter-insurgency warfare, as well as other political, economic and social actions of various kinds. Due to the blending of insurgents with the civilian population, insurgencies tend to involve considerable violence against civilians (by the state and the insurgents). State attempts to quell insurgencies frequently lead to the infliction of indiscriminate violence, whereas rebel control of territory frequently involves violence against the civilian population.
We were actually surprise that the speakers we had are actually former NPA members whether captured or surrendered and then turn themselves back to the government for security and other reasons. It is a positive way in the sense that they are actually teaching us how the enemy moves or works their way especially the recruitment process of the CPP-NPA-NDF because they experienced it themselves.
In this manner as a future public safety officer someday we were able to learn how to tract the enemy and develop programs to counter their illegal activities that bring problem to the country especially to our youth. We learn that good governance is very much important to solve the problem of insurgency here in the country. In this way police community relations were very much needed for us in the police force to counter the problem of insurgency in the country.